Situated within 5000 km from the town centre, the hotel is easily accessible on foot to a host of places of interest. Visitors will find the main entertainment areas at 1800 km away. There are public transport links at 10000 kilometre(s) away. The hotel is within 35000 kilometre(s) from the harbour. Roof 264 Hotel And Suites features a total of 42 accomodation units. This hotel was constructed in 2018. Moreover, there is a wireless Internet connection available on-site. Roof 264 Hotel And Suites offers 24-hour reception for guests' convenience. Cots are not available at this hotel. Communal areas are wheelchair accessible at this hotel. Guests may take advantage of the car park. Guests will appreciate the dining options available at this hotel. Due to its functional meeting facilities, this hotel is a perfect place for guests travelling for business purposes. Some services of Roof 264 Hotel And Suites may be payable.

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